System for internal cleaning and preparation for loading of oil products into railway tank cars

JetPetroClean JPC10/20
Besides the electrical steam generators installed in the power unit, an additional mobile steam boiler working on liquid fuel for warming up and extracting the residue shall be installed in the process of preparation of railway tank cars after transportation of fuel oil and crude oil. The standard set allows for preparation up to 10 railway tank cars after HFO products or up to 20 tank cars after light oil products per daily shift.
System components:
- JPC tank cleaning unit
- Flush water separator
- Power unit
- Set of external extraction pumps
- Pipelines for supply and removal of flush water
- Degassing fans
- Railway tank car top access platform
- Waste tank

The system based on mobile JPC10 or JPC20 units can be used for preparation of railway tank cars.
To perform the work on railway tank cars preparation (mostly after transportation of heavy products, such as crude oil and fuel oils) we recommend using the system based on JPC20 unit with the working cleaning pressure of 20 bar.
To perform the work on railway tank cars preparation after transportation of light products, such as motor fuel, jet fuel and motor oils, we recommend using the system based on JPC10 unit with the working cleaning pressure of 10 bar The system is installed in a mobile station for preparation of railway tank cars for loading of oil products or for maintenance using hot works.
The system can be placed on flat ground next to the railway if the site has sufficient electrical power.
No preliminary construction works are necessary for placing the equipment.
For this option, the system includes overpasses (scaffolds) in order to access to the upper part of the car or wagon tank. Also includes pipe products for forming a pipe block of pressure and pumping set of pipelines.
The configuration of the racks, pipe unit and the overall layout of the system for this option is performed in consultation with the customer and by his demand.